Cohen cut his 3rd tooth on Saturday! We were out of town for my uncle's funeral and after the first service, Cohen was a little cranky so Chris was playing with him. He loves to be flipped upside down and when he was laughing, I happen to glance in his mouth and I noticed 4 white spots on his top gums. His pediatrician had warned me to keep an eye on his gums when he's teething because the gums can become infected. It's a very rare occassion but Christina (my step-mom and dental assistant) was standing right there so I asked her to take a look. We both felt his gums and there was definitely swelling but no teeth. Literally 4 hours later, he became cranky again. After nursing him and changing his diaper, I decided to feel around again and to my shock...there it was! Poor guy! Christina couldn't believe it. She figured it would be in within the next couple of days but not hours. He is still cranky today so I'm sure more are coming in. This happened with Braedon as well. He got his first 2 bottom teeth in, then nothing for months. All of a sudden he cut 6 teeth in a matter of a week. Let me tell you, it was a weak of teething caos and I'm not looking forward to it again :-(
Update: After I posted this, I gave him more Orajel...low and behold, his other top center tooth has poked through. That's 2 teeth in 2 days!!
Oh and had to share this oh so cute picture (when he was actually happy) with the best teething guessed it-a cold wet washcloth:
I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He will be off to Kindergarden before you know it. Great picture. He looks like his big brother with his hair like that.