Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My first post :-)

Cohen is crawling!! He started about a week ago and needless to say, he's an expert although he is NOT like his older brother. Once Braedon tasted the freedom of being mobile, he was into everything all day. Cohen loves the freedom of being mobile and won't stand for being in his jumper or walker anymore but he is more mellow about it. He seems to take the attitude "Yep, I can get there and I will get there when I want to". He loves to crawl from the couch to his MANY toys that have taken over our living room. He likes to pull himself up onto the baby gate going into Braedon's play room and shake it. He is pulling up onto EVERYTHING these days and has started "cruising" around the ottoman but doesn't seem to have any interest in really letting go...yet.

Braedon is getting excited to start Kindergarten in just a couple of months. They had Kindergarten round up a couple months back so we could get him registered. He got to see one of the K classrooms and meet the teachers, one of which will be his teacher. He has just as much energy as ever and loves that Cohen is playing more. I can't believe how grown up he is getting. His memory still amazes me and his abilities are way beyond his years. I know he will be very successful in school but it's sort of a double edge sword. I can't believe my baby is starting school.

Over the last few months Braedon has become very interested in sports. He played basketball earlier this year which he liked *I think*. He was getting very good at dribbling and it was definitely active enough for him but his coordination wasn't quite there yet. Plus, he had a couple team members that were ball hogs to say the least. It was a recreational league but they weren't beginners and didn't like sharing the ball with other teammates that weren't as good. We then moved onto T-ball which I was excited about since I played softball for so many years. He has an amazing arm and hit but doesn't have the patience. It is definitely a slower game and unless he was playing first base or pitcher-no pitching just standing on the mound-he was goofing off in the field. He wants to play soccer next and then move onto football. I'm a little nervous about football but Chris played and I want him to try everything before deciding which sports he wants to play consistently. I think soccer is going to be right up his alley so once it cools off, we'll get him started and hope Uncle Colby can teach him a thing or two :-)

In other news, we are taking our first (well sorta) family vacation for the boys' birthdays and I'm so excited. We took a last minute trip on Memorial day weekend to San Diego. It was going to be raining all weekend and I wanted to go to a beach..anywhere..for some fun in the sun. We ended up staying in La Jolla and took the boys to Legoland, an aquarium and the beach. Cohen HATED the waves while we couldn't pull Braedon out of the water LOL! Thats life. For our first official vacation, we will be going to California for a week. Our plan-though no dates have been set in stone-is to leave on a Friday afternoon heading to San Diego. We will spend Saturday at SeaWorld, visit the San Diego Zoo on Sunday, Monday will be a sort of beach/relax day along with driving to Anaheim. Then 2-3 days (depending on the boys of course) in Disneyland!! I'm so excited! I haven't been there in many many many years. I am going to try to book a character breakfast/dinner and hope that Cohen doesn't freak since he will be right at the age of being scared of masks, face hair, etc. We will then head back home on Friday giving us the weekend to recover before Chris has to go back to work and Braedon back to school.

Well, that's it for my first post. I'll have to play around with it more and figure out how to post pictures and what not :-) Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Yay, finally you are a part of the blog world. I love the look of the blog and I can't wait to see pictures once you get those up and running. Now I can stalk you all the time. he he

    Good job!
