I am a stay at home, extended breastfeeding, child led weaning, babywearing, delayed vaxing, co-sleeping when needed, gentle disciplining, disposable diaper wearing, organic when possible eating, baby food making, extended rear-facing and 5-point-harness carseating, sportscar driving, volleyball loving Mommy that is completely and totally in love with my husband and children.
My husband and I met freshman year of high school as neighbors. We dated off and on through high school and went our seperate shortly after graduation. We found each other again a few years later and he proved to be an even better man than I remembered. He loves me for me and took Braedon and I as a package deal. He vowed to love me forever and to raise Braedon as his own without looking back. We became a family October 20, 2007.
Braedon AKA "bud"
Our first born. He is the son I never knew I always wanted. He is also the child my mother wished upon me and reminds me of the torture, er, adventures I put my parents through. He is spunky, quick witted, smart beyond his years, always asks "why", wants to know how things work, loves taking things apart, putting them back together and taking them apart again. His imagination amazes me and he is very observant of the world around him which is proved when he's playing. He challenges me/us every step of the way, and loves to be close to you and give lots of hugs and kisses. When he's not in school, you will find him building anything with Lego's, figuring out his Transformers, playing with his cars or reading a book. He's a cuddler and can say the sweetest things to make your heart melt.
Cohen AKA "stinker"
Our baby boy. He has started to develop quite the personality. He is laid back like Daddy and likes to just sit back, watch and observe. He loves his big brother, cell phones, remotes and books. You can find him cruising furniture, discovering his voice, playing on the baby gates and doing a little jig whenever he's standing. He's a Momma's boy and loves to cuddle at night..during the day he's just too much on the move to sit for one second.
Brothers 'til the end
BFF Amy and her family
Amy has been such a huge part of my life. We also met freshman year of high school and after just a few short months, she moved to Washington to live with her mom and step-dad. In the days of snail mail and long distance phone calls you had to pay for, we remained close. She moved back to Arizona when Braedon was 7 months old and I was so glad to have her back! She found her husband and after a year of trying to have a baby, they were blessed with twins...my adopted neices, Addison and Riley!
Addison and Riley
My adopted neices...yep They're cute! And they are the closest I am going to get to being and aunt for "a long time" according to my brother and sister.
My "little" brother Colby
Holding a screaming nephew isn't going to make me an Auntie anytime soon LOL! My "little" brother towers over me at 6'4" and made me very proud when he enlisted in the Navy. He was gone for 5 years and we missed him terribly but he did what he had to do. He is out now and he is using his benefits to get his education..paid in full by the military.
My sister Ashley
Beautiful inside and out. She became my sister when my dad and her mom married in June '95. She was/is the sister I had wanted for so long. During those days you could find us teaming up against our now "little" big brother. I remember showing her how to curl her hair and how to put make up on. Oh how the times have changed! She is an aesthetician and now she is giving me advice on facial products and such. I also enjoy the benefits, every once in a while, of having a sister in the field..she gives the best facials around!
Yes, these are great pics to use when they are older. So darn cute!!! I don't know how you keep up with all those messes.