Monday, July 6, 2009

Oh what a day!

I am so exhausted LOL! Amy called me late yesterday in a panic because she was returning to work today and didn't have anyone to watch the girls. Her sister moved in to be their nanny but had a trip planned for this weekend several months in advanced. So, her mom came over to help this weekend and was going to stay to watch them today until Sara got home. Unfortunately, Amy's mom has epilepsy but doesn't have seizures unless there is added stress. Newborn twin girls that don't sleep through the night don't add any stress LOL! Ok so not funny. Needless to say, her mom had a seizure Sunday morning-luckily not while holding one of the girls-so she wouldn't be able to watch them for Amy's first day back.

Auntie Brea to the rescue :-) I was more than happy to help and I was looking at it as a trial run of sorts. Amy and I had discussed me coming over 2 days per week to give Sara a break. I also was interested to see if I could do it...take care of 3 babies. It was a whole different world and I have a new found respect for Mommy's of multiples. I propped them up to give them their bottles at the same time which was fine but then they needed burping and I was stuck. Of course, Cohen made things a little difficult as well. He was a tad jealous to say the least. I expected him to want more attention but I did NOT expect him to be as jealous as he was. He normally nurses 5x/day which includes 2x first thing in the morning and 1 before dinner so I only anticipated having to nurse him *maybe* 2 times. Yeah right! Every time I fed the girls or held them or did anything with them that didn't include him, he wanted me. At one point I had 3 babies wanting fed, 2 babies needing to be burped (Cohen doesn't need me to help him with that anymore), 3 babies needing their diaper changed, 3 babies needing love and attention, and 3 babies that needed a nap....with only 2 arms! Braedon was an AMAZING help! He is such a good big brother and "uncle" to the twins. He helped entertain Cohen when the girls needed me, and helped with paci's and bottles when they all needed me. I thought I would lose my mind a couple times but everything worked itself out.

I knew it would be hard today since I've never watched more than one baby. I've watched up to 4 kids at once but only 1 was an infant. I think I would be up for the challenge to help out a very dear friend and I know with time it would get easier. Cohen would learn how to divide his time and as they all get older, it won't be as hectic with feedings. It was a learning experience and I know now that we will be waiting a little longer than I originally thought to have another baby LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, life with multiples is challenging but very rewarding. Thanks so much for the help and I hope Cohen is feeling better.

    Love ya!
